Let’s Talk About Breakups

I get so many questions about navigating breakups, and the bottom line is that they’re like…REALLY f#*^!ng hard.

I know how hopeless you might be feeling right now. Going through a breakup is an emotionally charged time and you might feel confusion and uncertainty about your future, plus that pesky self-dentity crisis to rediscover who you are outside of that relationship.

But trust me when I say you’re going to come out of this stronger than you ever thought possible.

Although it’s difficult, it's also a period of immense personal growth and self-discovery, and that’s what I want to focus on in this blog post.

These tips aren't just about surviving a breakup; they're about thriving and using this opportunity to learn, grow, and find the best version of yourself.

First Things First: Acknowledge What Your Body is Going Through

Keep in mind that these are some of the most powerful emotions that the human body can can feel, and it makes perfect sense why. Your brain has an extremely strong emotional response, releasing cortisol and norepinephrine (the stress hormones) which blocks dopamine and serotonin (the motivation and pleasure hormones).

The blocking of these hormone releases can do things like increase stress, suppress your immune system, take away your appetite, increase mood swings, mess with your ability to concentrate, phases of fatigue, lack of motivation, and basically an overall identity crisis as you figure out who you are without this person.

Embrace Your Emotions: AKA Feel the Feels

We’ve already established that breakups come with a whirlwind of emotions, and because of the intensity that is associated with these emotions it may be tempting to ignore the pain. It's okay to to let yourself soak in the sadness and grief you’re facing for a little bit. It’s actually healthy to acknowledge them so you can find closure within yourself and move forward.

There’s a lot to be learned from facing a breakup, so allow yourself to discover those lessons that can be applied when entering into future relationships.

The important part of sitting in your emotions, is to not allow yourself to sit there for too long. Your mind is a powerful place and negativity brews when you sit in that sadness for more time than is necessary.

Lean on Your Support System

I cannot tell you how important my family and friends were when I was facing my divorce or any breakup really. They were my lifeline during that time. When going through a breakup, it’s so important that you don’t isolate yourself but surround yourself with others who make you happy.

That being said, I’d recommend not just using that time to talk about your ex, even though that’s likely all you’re thinking about at the time. Be present during the time you spend with them and try your very hardest to distract yourself. It’s crazy the impact a funny conversation with a loved one can have.

Rediscover Your Passions

When you enter into a relationship, it’s common to neglect hobbies or passions that you once pursued. Once you face the ending of that relationship, consider pursuing those activities that once made you happy.

Having the time to reconnect with your skills and creativity is a silver-lining of facing a breakup. Bring new spark to your life and do the things you once loved.

Prioritize Self-Care

Oftentimes, self-care is one of the first things to go while facing grief. And while it’s important to prioritize it all the time, after a break-up it’s even more critical.

Make sure to take time to pamper yourself, physically and mentally. Treat yourself to a spa day, a good book, or any activity that nurtures your well-being. And don’t forget to feel your soul and body with nutritious food and hydration. Foods like salmon, dark chocolate, avocadoes, spinach, and oatmeal are known to naturally reduce stress.

Disconnect from Your Ex

It’s difficult to move on when you’re still being reminded of your past. So, unfollow, unfriend, and block your ex on social media. Drop their number.

It’s just the reality of what you need to in order to move on. Those constant reminders of them make it difficult to fully find closure and step into your future. Close the door, so you can fully open another door.

Stay Active

Physical activity is a natural mood enhancer and it’s sooo beneficial for your mental health. A few of my favorite activities for staying active are going for a walk, hitting the gym, or trying a new fitness class to boost endorphins. Being alone while facing a breakup can be tough, so invite a friend to join you, if needed.

Embrace New Beginnings

Remember that a breakup signifies the end of one chapter and the start of another. Embrace this fresh beginning with open arms and get ready to step into the future relationship that’s waiting for you!

It's your life, and you've got the magic within you to make this chapter truly unforgettable.

If you’d like more tips and encouragement for going through a breakup, check out this YouTube video.


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